Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Solemnity of All Saints

A Happy and Blessed All Saints Day to my blog readers! It is a beautiful day to remember all the holy men and women who have gone before us. The communion of saints who guide us and intercede for us. We look forward to that day, God willing, when we will be united with the saints in the Heavenly Kingdom. A good question for us to think about today is, "How does one become a saint and what is God's role in it?" The answer is to the point, "We need not accomplish great things to become saints. What is required is the grace of God" (St. Anthony Messenger Press, Nov. 1). That is true, God gives us the grace that we need to live holy, faithful, prayerful, dedicated lives. God gives us the tools, but we are the ones that need to live them. We have to do our part to be saints and we have those opportunities everyday. When we think of the saints, we think of those that the church has canonized over the centuries. I am sure they had no idea when they were walking the earth that they would be canonized. They were living their lives, being an example to others, and trying to live the will of God in their lives. The Church canonizes them to hold them up as models and examples for us. We may not get to that level, but we are able to do what they did by living our lives and faith to the fullest. We pray that the communion of saints will pray for us as we continue our journey to the kingdom! Have a blessed day!!!

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