Saturday, November 26, 2011

First Sunday of Advent

The Church has arrived at the beginning of our new liturgical year. Of course, this new year begins in a big way with the unveiling of the Roman Missal, Third Edition. We have spent several months preparing for this time and now it is finally here. As I mentioned to my parishioners last weekend, there are two words that I want everyone to keep in mind, "Compassion and Patience." We need to be patient with ourselves because we have been using the same prayers and responses for over 40 years and now we are being asked to learn a new, but old translation. It is going to take time for both the people and the priests as this process moves forward. Eventually we will get our prayers and responses down but until then, we need to be patient. Also, we need compassion for one another because there will be some who keep going back to the old responses or not doing things as they were taught. Even people will need compassion for their priests because the Roman Missal is all new wording, along with new gestures, so it will take time for them to get all of this down as well. This is a learning process for all of us and we will make it through, especially with the gifts of patience and compassion. It is appropriate that we are beginning these changes on the first weekend of Advent because this is a time of preparation and growth. What would you like to accomplish in your personal lives and spirituality during this holy time? Perhaps your answer can be a Christmas gift to yourself. Let us make the most of this time that God has given to us and may this Advent be a meaningful one for all of us! Have a blessed weekend!!!

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