Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Responsibility of Faith

This is a title that came to me after I wrote the blog for November 15 on faith. When you hear people say that they wished their faith was strong or they wished their faith was like so and so's, you can say, "It can be." There is a responsibility that goes into living our faith. Our faith is a gift from God and we need to live it each day and to the fullest. We know that there are those who are lapse in their faith and those are the ones that we need to reach. However, we cannot forget ourselves because we need to do what we can to keep our faith strong and lively. The Sacraments of the Church are a beautiful encounter with Christ, they provide grace. If we want to receive the sacraments we need to know why and what those sacraments entail. For example, the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We approach the sacrament to be forgiven of our sins, to receive the pastoral advice of the priest, to receive a penance, and listen to the prayer of absolution. We are there to be forgiven and hopefully we can begin to do better. We know that prayer, scripture, spiritual reading, and spiritual direction can help us in our journey of faith. If we are going to pass on the faith to our young people, especially grandparents and parents, they need to be examples of how to live their faith and make that a priority. Many times we run into people who are Catholic in name only and they need to be practicing Catholics. Sometimes our young people need to be examples to the adults on the importance of Mass, the sacraments, prayer, etc. We were entrusted by virtue of our baptism to live the faith and pass it on. Let us pray for God's grace and use the responsibility given to us to live our faith to the fullest. Have a blessed day!!!

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