Thursday, November 29, 2012

Joyful Hope

We are waiting in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This sounds like a statement we might hear for Advent, which is coming soon, but it is a way of life that we need to live everyday. One of my parishioner's always tells me, "We live in hope." Yes, we do!!! Even though we see a troubled world and a society and culture that needs to be changed, we live in hope because we know that God is in control and He will have the final say whenever it is said and done. Our readings today focus once again on things that are to come, Revelation 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a and Luke 21:20-28. As the commentator writes, "The Lord describes the unfathomable terrors of the last days. And yet he enjoins us to 'stand erect and raise your heads.' No terror on earth can overshadow the fact that we 'have been called to the wedding feast of the Lamb.' While the world remains 'perplexed by the roaring of the sea,' we listen with confidence to the loud voice of the 'great multitude in heaven'" (Magnificat, 388). Jesus always told his disciples, "Do not be afraid." That phrase has flowed down through the centuries and we continue to say it in our present day. Do not be afraid because God is in control. The timing is His and He will prevail and we look forward to that banquet feast in heaven. May this joyful hope fill our lives and hearts with gladness, not just during this Advent Time, but each day of our lives!!! May God Bless Our Journey!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Firmness of Faith

The suggested prayers for Mass today, according to the Ordo, is for Persecuted Christians. The prayers speak beautifully of hope and eternal life in the midst of trial and tribulation. Jesus even brings this up in the gospel for today, Luke 21:12-19. The caption reads, "You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed." Our Lord concludes that statement with, "By your perseverance you will secure your lives." Even the gospel acclamation expresses our hope, "Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life." We may not experience persecution ourselves but we know that faithful disciples throughout the world are being persecuted for the faith. We even know that people are being martyred for the faith. In the midst of trial, tribulation, persecution, we cannot waver in our resolve to be firm in the faith. During this Year of Faith, we pray that our faith will be revitalized, reinvigorated, so that whatever comes down the road, we will be ready. May God Bless Us on Our Journey!!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Peace and Justice!!!

"If you want peace, work for justice." This is a quote from Pope Paul VI, who was pope of the Roman Catholic Church from 1963-1978. Working and Praying for peace is something that we do on a daily basis. People want to live in harmony and peace. We pray for peace around the world, in our communities, and in our very lives. I have been a firm believer that for peace to exist it has to begin with us. We need to know peace in our lives and hearts and that will compel us to share peace with others. The Mass prayers that I used this morning were from those titled, "Preservation of Peace and Justice." Even the Entrance Antiphon for Mass was a good beginning, "The Lord speaks of peace to his people and his holy ones and to those who turn to him" (Ps.85:9). As Advent Time quickly approaches, we need to prepare our minds and hearts for the coming of the Prince of Peace. Our Lord offers peace to us and we need to share that peace with others! May we do our part to create a peaceful environment by working for justice for all!!! Have a blessed day!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Building Up the Kingdom!!!

Each day when we say "The Lord's Prayer," we pray for the kingdom to come. This is exactly what all believers are waiting for, the full reality of God's Kingdom. As we await the coming of the kingdom, we know that we are to do our part in building up the kingdom of God right here in our midst. On the heels of celebrating the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, we can take to heart these words of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, "The feast of Christ the King is therefore not a feast of those who are subjugated, but a feast of those who know that they are in the hands of the one who writes straight on crooked lines" (Magnificat, 345). God brings us together at this particular time to build up His kingdom even though we are weak, sinful, have our failings, shortcomings, and imperfections. God truly writes straight with crooked lines. We are called to be the family of God, the body of Christ, a community of disciples and we need to do our part to bring the message of God's mercy and love to a world that is in desparate need of receiving a message of love, hope, and peace. Perhaps this why we don't know when the kingdom will come because God is entrusting us to do our part to build that kingdom up here and we can do just that by living lives of faith, holiness, prayer, reconciliation, love, peace, and hope. There are many beautiful qualities that God gives us to live our mission to the fullest. Let us not miss the opportunities to preach the Good News and build up the Kingdom of God right here and right now!!! May God Bless Us on our journey!!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

The House of God

I learned many valuable lessons as a seminarian at Saint Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana. During my six years there, I grew to love the Benedictine spirituality and how they live their motto of "Ora et Labora", "Prayer and Work". We all know that we need prayer in our lives and we need to use that gift everyday and hopefully many times during the day! On the campus map at Saint Meinrad, all the buildings were numbered so people could find their way around. The number one building on campus is the Archabbey Church. That is where the monks and faithful can gather to pray and be renewed to live their lives and faith to the fullest. Since I became a pastor several years ago, I put the number one building into focus. Whenever parishioners would talk about projects that needed to be completed I would say, "Let's focus on the church because it is God's House and we need to keep it looking beautiful because God deserves the best." The church building is our central place for worship and prayer. As Jesus said in the gospel for today, Luke 19:45-48, when he was driving the money-changers out, "My house shall be a house of prayer..." The church is the House of God, it is a house of prayer!!! It is a great joy to see people come into church at all different times of their day just to spend a little time with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament or to light a votive candle. We have a rich history with wonderful customs and traditions. For ourselves, we are temples of the Holy Spirit and we pray that we can keep ourselves beautiful and pleasing to God. Many people express pride in their churches. May we do what we can to keep God's House looking beautiful and always keep it as a house of prayer!!! God Bless You!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


A Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!!!!! I am thankful for those who take the time to read the blog!!! I know at times it is not always daily but I thank you for your patience and understanding. These are tools that we can use to boost the New Evangelization that is being called for during this Year of Faith!!! May we do all that we can for the glory of God. I want to share with you the Pastor's Message that I wrote for our bulletin in preparation for this celebration of Thanksgiving. "I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart, for you have heard the words of my mouth" (Psalm 138:1). This passage from Scripture comes from the Communion Antiphon for the Mass of Thanksgiving Day. Like many passages that speak about giving thanks, it truly says it all. We thank God for our many gifts and blessings from our heart, but ultimately, from our whole being. Thanksgiving Day is upon us once again, but everyday of our lives is a day to give thanks. Our thanksgiving to God cannot be confined to one day, but everyday. In a special way, as we gather around the family table on Thanksgiving Day, let us be thankful for what God has blessed us with. If you can, and hopefully you were able to do so, begin your time of thanksgiving around the table of the Lord at Mass. Eucharist means "Thanksgiving" and that is what we do every time we gather around the Lord's table. If you are traveling, please be safe. Have a blessed and joyous Thanksgiving!!!! God Bless, Dear Friends- Fr. David

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Presentation of Mary

"The story of the presentation of Mary in the Temple as a child captures the essential Gospel portrait of Mary as a woman entirely dedicated not merely to doing but to living the will of God. Her own willing obedience, unhesitatingly given and never revoked, lies at the heart of her life of self-sacrifice offered in love" (Magnificat, 293). This quote truly says it all as the Church celebrates the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her life is a beautiful example for all of us. Mary was a young girl when the angel Gabriel appeared to her and announced the Good News that she had found favor with God and would be the mother of His only Son. Mary totally gave herself to God's will and her example is one of complete faith and trust. We pray that Mary will intercede for us as we strive to live and follow the will of God in our own lives. May God bless us in following His will!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Let Go, Let God"!!!

The phrase or way of life, "Let Go, Let God," came from the book, "The Gift of Peace," written by the late Cardinal Joseph Bernadin of Chicago. This is a way of life because we cannot hold on to our worries, our fears, our anxieties. Instead, we need to place our complete faith and trust in God and that is a challenge. I thought of that phrase when I saw the following scripture passage, "So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?'" (Mt 6:31). From that passage, the commentator writes, "God did not create the world only to abandon it to its own devices. He cares day by day for all that he has made, though we do not always recognize his hand at work" (Magnificat, 281). Even Saint Padre Pio exhorts us, "Pray, hope and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful adn will hear your prayer." I know these are messages that I need to listen to in my own life because I have a tendency to worry, which I am sure is common for most people. We need to realize that we are not in control, God is and everything goes according to His will. That is why we need to trust and have faith. May these messages become a way of life for us because God is always with us and we can see the work of His hand everyday of our lives!!! God Bless You!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sacrament of Reconciliation

One of the ten things that Catholics can do to observe the "Year of Faith" is go to confession. We know that the Sacrament of Reconciliation has seen a decline over the years. At one time there were long lines for confession but now we hardly see anyone, except during Advent and Lent. Sin and evil still exists. Mortal and venial sins still exist, but yet, no one takes advantage of the healing and forgiveness that comes with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In his opening address to the bishops of the United States last week at their annual meeting, conference president Cardinal Timothy Dolan, challenged the bishops to undergo their own conversion and renewal. Of course, as bishops, priests, and deacons, we need to lead by example. If we are going to preach on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we need to take full advantage of the sacrament ourselves. As Cardinal Dolan said, "This is the sacrament of the new evangelization, for as Pope Benedict reminds us, 'We cannot speak about the new evangelization without the sincere desire to conversion.'" Over the weekend, the priests of the Diocese of Salina preached on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how we are going to implement the Rite of Penance that was promulgated in 1975. The rite has a liturgical structure: sign of the cross, greeting, liturgy of the word, celebration of the sacrament, blessing, and dismissal. Hopefully people will feel comfortable in approaching the sacrament because they will not be on their own, the priest will help them each step of the way. I am sure there are many reasons people do not participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, but they need to make that decision to receive it and allow the grace of God to work in their lives in a special way! May God Bless Us on Our Journey as we seek His mercy, healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Being Prepared!!!

The blog from November 15 can be associated closely with the blog of today because the gospel, Luke 17:26-37, also deals with the days to come. As Jesus says towards the end of the gospel, "Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. I tell you, on that night there will be two people in one bed; one will be taken, the other left. And there will be two women grinding meal together; one will be taken, the other left." The commentary for that gospel speaks of the Rapture, where God will snatch certain people to Himself, but that is not Catholic thought. Instead, we need to be prepared and ready at all times. That same commentator talked about a "Spiritual Laziness" that we can fall into. We get caught up in the culture around us and forget what really matters, spending eternity with God. These days of late fall and early winter are reminders of death. Everything goes dormant but we know that with spring comes new life. The same is true for all believers, death is not the end, but the beginning. Through Jesus death and resurrection, we have the forgivness of our sins and the promise of eternal life. Again, it begins with us, we need to prepare ourselves through prayer, getting to church, receiving the Sacraments, reading Sacred Scripture, and spiritual reading. The resources are there and hopefully this Year of Faith will revitalize us to learn and grow in the faith that has been instilled in us. Faith is the gift that sustains us in life, so let us live it to the fullest. Do not be afraid as Jesus says, but always be ready and prepared! God Bless You!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Be Vigilant!!!

There was a bumper sticker that simply read, "When the Rapture occurs, this car will be unmanned"!!! Namely, when the Lord calls his church home I am going to be one of those lifted up. We look forward to the day when we will be united with our Lord and with those who have gone before us, especially our loved ones. One thing that we cannot do is predict when the world is going to end as we know it. That is the message in the gospel for today, Luke 17:20-25. The Pharisees wanted to know when the Kingdom of God would come. Like Jesus said, "The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed, and no one will announce, 'Look, here it is,' or 'There it is.' For behold, the Kingdom of God is among you." The day is coming but we do not know when that will occur. I believe there is a reason we do not know when the Lord will return or when the hour of our own death will happen. We have been entrusted with a great mission to build the kingdom of God here in our midst by lives of faithfulness, love, and service. If we knew when the end was coming we would be worrying about that day. Since we do not know, we need to keep living in the present moment and live out the will God has for us. Like Saint Padre Pio says, "Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry"!!! Let us be vigilant because that day is coming that the Lord talked about, but do not be afraid! Jesus has told us what to expect, we just need to be ready when it takes place. God Bless You!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Always Thankful!!!

"In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." This is the Gospel acclamation for the Mass on November 14. It truly says everything that we need to know. Even the psalmist for today tells it all when he says, "The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want" (Ps. 23). We truly have it all brothers and sisters!!! God has blessed us in so many ways. There is a struggle that goes on however, and that struggle concerns our head and our heart. Our heads will tell us the things that make us human, but the heart concerns what is eternal. The struggle lies in the fact that we need to connect our head and our heart so that they are on the same page. Our head will tell us what we want but the heart will say that we have it all because with the Lord there is nothing I shall want. To develop an "Attitude of Gratitude" that comprises both head and heart. We need to fill our heads and hearts with the joy and thankfulness that only God can give. The example in the Gospel for today, Luke 17:11-19, is one that we need to take to heart, especially in the society in which we live. Our society has become to "I-Centered" instead of seeing everything is a gift from God. It is not about me, but it is about all of us for we have all been created in the image and likeness of God. If we truly developed that Attitude of Gratitude and treat people as God treats us, our communities, our churches, our world would be a totally different place. Ten lepers were healed in the gospel, but only one returned to give thanks to God. We need to return and give thanks because of all that God has done for us. Just think, our example of thankfulness may touch the head and heart of another. Yes, in all circumstances, always be thankful because with the Lord we have everything that we need! Have a blessed day!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mother Cabrini

I have always enjoyed visiting different shrines and grottoes. It is amazing how many of these holy places can be found and they are a great place to visit, especially for prayer, peace, and tranquility. Heading west of Denver, CO on I-70 you will see a sign pointing to the Mother Cabrini Shrine. It is a very majestic place to see and spend time in prayer. You can even walk up the mountain side, praying the Rosary or following the Stations of the Cross, and come to a tall statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The shrine celebrates one of our own! November 13 is the memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. She was born in Italy and founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. At the encouragement of Pope Leo XIII, she came to the United States in 1889. She spent 28 years establishing schools, hospitals, and orphanages. Her missionary zeal also led her to South America. Mother Cabrini returned to the United States and she died in Chicago in 1917. On July 7, 1946, she became the first United States citizen to be canonized a saint. (See Magnificat, 171-72). We thank God for the blessing and example of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. May she intercede for us as we live our faith and truly put the Gospels into practice. God Bless You!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


This weekend, the Diocese of Salina is highlighting vocations, especially those to the priesthood and religious life. Also, we think about other vocations like the permanent diaconate and lay ministry. A brochure has been put together for the people to read and pray about, especially if they feel called to serve the Church in a special way. We are in the second phase of our diocesan pastoral plan, Stewards of Hope, and we are to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, and lay ministry! At Masses this weekend, a second collection will be taken for our seminarians. We have 12 men studying for the priesthood. We pray for them and all those discerning a vocation in the Church. During this Year of Faith, may we do our part to pray for and promote vocations because that is an important part of the mission of the Church! May god bless our efforts in the area of vocations! Have a blessed weekend!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012


God and the Church always gives us the opportunities to re-dedicate our lives and our faith. The "Year of Faith" is a beautiful example right now. This observance is our opportunity to grow into a deeper, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. It is also a time for us to reawaken, reinvigorate, revitalize our faith. Our lives and our faith are a work in progress. As it has been said, "Conversion is a life-long process." We are always growing and learning in life and how to live our faith. The Church celebrates the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica on this November 9. As one resource says, "The Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, the Cathedral Church of Rome and mother church of all churches in the Latin rite, has more than one layer of meaning. Its bricks and mortar remind us that we are living stones and, as such, our lives are meant to help build up the Church and give glory to God" (Commentary and General Intercessions, 468). The church building, the house of God, is where the faithful gather to praise and worship, where we are fed by God's word and nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ. What we receive at Mass, either on a daily or weekly basis, we are called to take with us and live it in the world and in our very communities. As the focus for this day reminds us, "We are to live in a way that helps build up the Church and gives glory to God" (468). This is a beautiful feast that the Church celebrates today and it reminds us that we need to live our calling everyday to be church, for we are the living stones, called to build up the Kingdom of God in our midst. May God bless us as we re-dedicate ourselves to living our faith to the fullest and bring the Good News to our brothers and sisters!!! Have a blessed day!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Been Out!

Sorry for being away from the blog for several days! I have been under the weather, but am feeling some better and will plan to be back online soon! We pray for our country and our elected leaders after the election that has concluded! We realize that we cannot give up because of the results! Our voices count and we need to be heard because the fight for life and religious liberty will continue! As disciples let us not be afraid to carry our cross and proclaim the Good News with determination and boldness! May God continue to bless our work and the mission our Lord has entrusted to us! May God Bless Us All!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012


As this day dawns, we remember the faithful departed who have gone before us. In fact, this entire month of November is a time to remember the souls of our beloved dead. This time of prayer and remembrance is not confined to one month but we observe it everyday because we are always praying for our loved ones. As the commentary in the "Magnificat" states: "The commemoration of All Souls is rooted in the Church's strong conviction that we, the living, have a serious responsibility in love to accompany with prayer those who have died but who must yet complete the purificatory preparation every human being needs to be able to dwell in the all-encompassing love of God" (42). We remember the faithful departed in our Masses and our daily prayers. This is a beautiful gift that we can give to those whom God has called to Himself. It is also customary to visit a cemetery during this time to pray for our beloved dead. Walking through a cemetery can bring one a sense of comfort and peace. We profess and live everyday our faith and belief in the resurrection because Jesus has broken the bonds of sin and death and given us all the hope and promise of eternal life. We still need to do our part by living the teachings of our Lord in hope of getting to Heaven ourselves. We pray for ourselves that our faith in the resurrection will always be strong! We pray for our faithful departed that God may welcome them into His eternal presence! Blessings on this day to you!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


A Happy and Blessed Solemnity of All Saints to you!!! This is truly a beautiful day and a great reminder to call upon the saints who enjoy the presence of God and who are interceding for us. I saw a post on Facebook that had the picture of four saints and then an open spot with the question, "Are you next?" We are all called to be saints! We may not be canonized by the Church, but how we live our lives and our faith truly speaks volumes. We have received the "Universal Call to Holiness!" To be holy as our Heavenly Father is holy. Our words and our actions can make a difference in peoples lives and hopefully they inspire and touch others to strive for holiness. A beautiful thought was given in the FOCUS from the publication, "COMMENTARY AND GENERAL INTERCESSIONS": "The people you'll meet in heaven" (456). That thought can send chills up and down your spine but it is true. The saints are praying for us and looking forward to having us join them in heaven. Of course, there is a reality that we are up against and that is our society and we pray that God will change peoples minds and hearts. The commentary from the FOCUS continues: "Many in the world today view great beauty, fame, or being wealthy as things which bring happiness and fulfillment. Jesus taught a distinctly different way of living - being poor in spirit, being merciful, being pure of heart, and working for justice and peace. Living these blessings can bring peace, joy, and the promise and hope of salvation" (456). This "Year of Faith" is so important for us because we need to reawaken, reinvigorate our faith and strengthen our deep, intimate relationship with Christ. The saints walked the journey before us and now they are interceding for us. Let us take courage in their presence and prayers and may we one day come to the joys of God's Kingdom where we will meet those who are helping and guiding us!!! Have a blessed Feastday!!!