Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take Your Rest!

This has been an interesting summer for me with all the different medical issues that have arisen over the last month. I was out bike riding back in the middle of June when I suddenly blacked out and went down. I was unconscious for about 10 to 15 minutes but then I came to and made my way back home. Went to the hospital and that led to test after test. I ended up with a bleeder on the brain, post-concussion syndrome, a perfectly beating heart and open arteries, but I still wear a heart monitor just to make sure, and a different diagnosis on my blood pressure. Then last week, I had another episode arise, totally unrelated to everything else, but it makes me wonder, what is going on? Some people have told me that God is letting this happen now because He has bigger plans for me! I don't know about that, but I do believe that what happened to me on the road may not have been a medical event but a God-event. It happened for a reason and it may have been an answer to prayer. I had been praying for renewed faith and a strengthening of my mind and heart and I got all of that, just in a way that I had not expected, but that is how God works. Other suggestions from people is that I needed a rest. It is non-stop lots of times, especially with liturgies and activities in 3 parishes and everything associated with a school. There is a lot for one person and I needed to learn how to take care of myself, better! Jesus gives us a wonderful invitation in our gospel today, Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." We better heed that invitation because we may not know how our rest will come. I could have thought of other ways, but God meant for it this way and I have had to adjust! God gives us the time to work and the time to rest, so let us heed the invitation! Have a blessed day!!!

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