Thursday, July 7, 2011

Job Description!

How many of us have a job description to follow? Most employers and employees have a job description that they need to follow in order to do their work in a timely and orderly manner. The church is no different. Many of our workers and volunteers have a job description so they know what to do. In our gospel for today, Matthew 10:7-15, we have the first ever job description. As one commentator noted, Jesus first chose the 12 apostles and then he told them what to do: "Proclaim the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons." Of course, there is no training manual, no classes to take, they just had to get out and do it. That reminds me when I was in the seminary and newly ordained priests would come back and visit and we would ask them what it was like in the parishes. They would always say that they went to the seminary administration and said to them, "You gave us the book knowledge, but how come you did not teach us this...?" The response always was, "There are some things that we can't teach you." That is true, there are things that we have to learn on our own and many times we have to learn from our mistakes. One thing is certain Jesus is always present. He may not have told us how to do things but he did promise that he would remain with us until the end of the age. That is why we put our faith and trust in God because He gives us the grace and strength that we need to accomplish the tasks before us and that includes the mission of the church. Have a blessed day!!!

1 comment:

  1. magnificent article, thanks a lot for sharing this effective article.

    Job Description Template
