Thursday, July 21, 2011

Majestic Mountains!

Several years ago, I had the opportunity, along with Fr. Tom, the priest I vacation with, to bike ride down Pikes Peak in Colorado. The touring group took us to the very top, 14,110 feet. It was during the month of July so it was hot down below but at the top it was 32 degrees. We bundled up pretty good and made our descent down. By the time we got to the bottom we already shed the warm clothes and were back to t-shirt and shorts. It was an awesome ride and the view was just breathtaking. On the high plains of Kansas we don't see many mountains but when you go to a place where the mountains are located there is just a sense of awe and wonder. Today the Israelite people encounter God on Mount Sinai, Exodus 19:1-2,9-11, 16-20b. What an awesome sight to see the power of God come down on the mountain. Listen to this imagery, "Mount Sinai was all wrapped in smoke, for the Lord came down upon it in fire. The smoke rose from it as though from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently." It's interesting to see one of the commentaries that said we really don't know where Mount Sinai is. Some in those early days had ideas but nothing really concrete. Just like the Road to Emmaus, no one really knows where it is, but if we look close enough, it is any road where we encounter Christ and see him in the face of our brothers and sisters. The mountain is the same way, we encounter God in many different places and ways. May we have the grace to always find God in our normal routines each day. Pray always that our faith will be strong because like Jesus we can have the faith to move mountains! God Bless You!!!

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