Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Praying for the Sick

The Collect for Mass today is beautiful, that is, if you used the suggested Mass for the Sick. These prayers coincide with the gospel, Mark 1:29-39. Jesus entered the house of Simon and his mother-in-law was sick with a fever. The Lord healed her of the illness. Once evening came, the whole town was gathered at the door and Jesus healed all who were sick and possessed by demons. A beautiful example from the Divine Physician who cures all of our infirmities. Let us look at the Collect that is offered: "O God, who willed that our infirmities be borne by your Only Begotten Son to show the value of human suffering, listen in kindness to our prayers for our brothers and sisters who are sick; grant that all who are oppressed by pain, distress or other afflictions may know that they are chosen among those proclaimed blessed and are united to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world" (Magnificat, 149). Jesus took our suffering upon himself and when we are sick and suffering we unite ourselves with him who suffered willingly on the cross. When the Lord calls us to be his disciples he says that we must pick up our cross and follow him. He did not tell us what crosses we will carry, what sickness or suffering we may endure, but we take it all with patience and perseverance, knowing that the Lord is with us each step of the way. As the communion antiphon says, "In my flesh I am completing what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the Church" (Col 1:24). Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who are sick and may God bless all of us with the grace, healing, and strength that we need to carry our cross and continue the journey of faith! Peace Dear Friends!!!

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