Friday, January 13, 2012

Forgiveness of Sins

I took the suggestion for today and used the Mass for the Forgiveness of Sins in the Roman Missal. The prayers are beautifully written! I even used the Eucharist Prayer from Reconciliation I. Amazing how the prayers are definitive and have a beautiful sound to them. This suggestion was given because of the gospel for today, Mark 2:1-12, where Jesus heals the paralytic man who was lowered through the roof by his friends. We are told that when Jesus saw the faith of those involved he said to the man, "Child, your sins are forgiven." That did not set well with the scribes because on God can forgive sins. Jesus knew their thoughts so he ended up saying to the man, "Rise, pick up your mat, and go home." It would have been easier to say your sins are forgiven and that would be a beautiful moment. We have all experienced the beauty of forgiveness in our lives. When someone has hurt us and they approach to say they are sorry and will you forgive me, how can we not follow the example of Jesus? In some instances, forgiveness is a challenge for some people, and that is why we need to pray for grace so that we can reconcile with others and live in peace and harmony. For us, as Catholics, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a beautiful encounter with the love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness of God. We always pray that the grace of the sacrament will help us to do better and to always be a forgiving person. God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. May we follow the example of our Lord and share that forgiveness with one another! God Bless You!!!

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