Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Epiphany of the Lord

On Friday, two friends and myself, took a tour of churches in the area to see how they decorated for this Christmas Time and see if there is any ideas that we might try for Christmas of 2012. One of the things that we noticed in those parishes is that the Magi were making their way to the manger. Of course, the Magi will arrive at the manger as we gather this weekend for the Masses celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord. As Pope Benedict XVI said, "The Magi set out because of a deep desire which prompted them to leave everything and begin a journey. It was as though they had always been waiting for that star" (Magnificat, 109). The Epiphany is about the manifestation of Jesus as the Son of God, the light coming into the world. It is also about the journey of the Magi and the gifts that they brought to the newborn King. Saint Odilo of Cluny states, "To offer gold is to proclaim Christ's kingship, to offer incense is to adore his Godhead, and to offer myrrh is to acknowledge his mortality" (109). We come this weekend as God's people to witness to the great joy of the Savior's birth and to bring our own gifts to him. Each one of us is called to live a stewardship way of life, the giving of our time, talent, and treasure. These are the gifts we bring, not just on the Epiphany, but everyday of our lives as we live as Jesus' disciples in the world and in our respective communities. We pray that the star, the light, which guided the Magi will guide us in our journey of life and faith and bring us safely to the joys of God's Heavenly Kingdom. Have a blessed weekend!!!

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