Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Whose in Control?

That is a question that I have been answering a lot lately. I find that I need to practice what I preach, listen to what I say, and read what I write. If I don't, God has placed people in my life who are not afraid to tell me. There are many things going on in peoples lives right now and maybe they are asking the same question as this blog. Besides the parish and school commitments that I have to fulfill, I also find myself taking care of my ill parents. One just got out of the hospital after 18 days, but is not totally back to full potential, and one is in the hospital right now. There are issues that go along with both situations, but I keep telling myself, and others do as well, that I am not in control, God is! It is God in whom we place our faith, hope, and trust. Just like the commentary for today stated that when we think we have God figured out, He always surprises us with the unexpected. Our task is not to figure God out, but to place our total faith and trust in Him. That is why God is in control and as the popular phrase goes, we need to "Let Go and Let God." God will give you and me the grace and strength that we need. Let us place our faith, hope, and trust in Him because He is in control and knows what is best for us. God Bless You!!!

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