Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Thought on Worry!

This is a continuation from the weekend blog because there are a couple items I would like to share from another source. To set the context once again, the gospel this past weekend was from Matthew 6:24-34. In the gospel, Jesus tells his disciples and us, not to worry. The big question to ask is, Why did Jesus focus on worry at this particular time? The answer is: "He preached at a time when almost none of the population had the luxury of thinking about the future. For most people day-to-day survival was all-consuming. Given the rampant poverty, people worried constantly about how they would find enough food, how they would keep their children clothed and how they would manage to stay in their homes. They were preyed upon by Rome and corrupt leaders, and their taxes. These all-consuming worries - and they are very understandable - took up time that should have been devoted to praise and thanksgiving. Putting God first had been co-opted by worry. Thus Jesus warned them that misplaced priorities lead to the worst of our worries. What we must find is the willingness and faith to trust God" (The Priest- Jan. 2011, 29). There is also another quote to think about: "Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, all things are passing away; God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices" -Saint Theresa of Avila. Why do we worry? That is a good question! I think these two sources give us a good answer why we should not worry. Instead, let us place our total faith and trust in God. Have a blessed day!!!

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