Monday, March 18, 2013

Ministry of Reconciliation!

Since Lent began, I have been encouraging the faithful to experience the love, mercy, forgiveness of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is a ministry that has been entrusted to us. It is a very beautiful and moving ministry because many times you will encounter someone who has been away from the sacrament for a long period of time. The feelings they have and the emotions they share is a gift because God is truly working in their life in a special way! If you have been away from the Sacrament of Reconciliation for a long time, please consider making going this Lent. We are a week away from Holy Week and the celebration of the Paschal Festivities. What a great way to enter into the Easter Time with mind and heart renewed! Let us make time for God because He always has time for us! God needs to be number one in our lives because with God all things are possible. Let us make the move to get our relationship with God on track because when we get our spiritual lives in order, than everything else should fall into place. May the ministry of reconciliation be a blessing to you and your journey of faith!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Father David. Thank you mostly, for making yourself available for this wonderful Sacrament!
