Friday, September 28, 2012

Our Call- Part 2

The other morning I asked our Catholic School students and the adults in attendance, "How many of you are missionaries?" Some of the students raised their hands but most in attendance did not. This led me to say that we are all missionaries, called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. The gospel reading for that day was Luke 9:1-6. As the caption reads, "He sent them to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick." The commentator for that day asked the following question: "Who are misisonaries and what do they do?" "All the baptized are missionaries, and they are called upon to continue the mission of the Twelve in today's gospel to the extent that they can" (Loose-Leaf Lectionary, 2785). As the people of God, the body of Christ, we all have a role to play in continuing the mission of the Church and proclaiming the Good News. Just like the first part of "Our Call," being a disciple and being a missionary go hand in hand. Jesus calls us to be his disciples, to deny our very self and pick up our cross and follow him. As disciples, Jesus sends us out to be missionaries in bringing the love of God and the Good News to all peoples. Let us heed the call to be disciples, to be missionaries and may God give us the grace and strength that we need to live Our Calls to the fullest! Have a blessed day!!!

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