Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Saint Lucy

The Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint Lucy! She was a virgin and martyr who remained strong in her faith. In Latin, Lucy's name would be translated as "Light!" Her example truly made the light of Christ shine in the midst of darkness. During the Advent Season, the candles on the wreath dispel the darkness. We know that Jesus is forever the light of the world. At baptism, our parents and godparents were entrusted with the light of Christ. They were told to keep that light burning brightly. As adults, we are entrusted with the same call. We need to keep the flame of faith burning brightly in our lives. We can do our part through prayer, the sacraments, scripture and spiritual reading. God gives us the gifts, graces, and tools that we need. Our challenge is to use those gifts and use them to the fullest. The Church also holds up these holy men and women that we can look to and ask their intercession as we journey through life and faith. Saint Lucy is truly an Advent saint. She kept the light of Christ burning in her life and in a world that was living in darkness. Times have changed but the world is still in darkness and it needs that light more than ever. May we do our part to keep the light of Christ burning brightly and may our example help others in their journey of life and faith! Saint Lucy, pray for us!!!

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