Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Saint Ambrose

The prayers for the Roman Missal, Third Edition are definitive and beautiful. I like how the Collect for Saint Ambrose is written, "O God, who made the Bishop Saint Ambrose a teacher of the Catholic faith and a model of apostolic courage..." That explains what we need to be doing in our lives. As I told our Catholic School students, one day you will be in our roles- as priest, teacher, administrator- passing on the Catholic faith to the next generation so we, who are in those roles now, need to be doing our part. Like one commentary says, "Saint Ambrose proclaimed the coming of Christ, the long-awaited Savior, in troubled times not so different from our own" (Magnificat, 99). When we look around we see how troubled our times are and how worse they might become. That is why we need to bring a message of faith, hope, comfort, and peace to our brothers and sisters. Saint Ambrose did that for the people of his time, we need to do this for our own time, and we need to instill that message in our young people so that when they get to our ages, they will be doing the same for those who will come after them. Always remember the words of our Lord, "Do not be afraid." Let us not be afraid to share our faith and live the Good News because these times need to hear it. Pray that Saint Ambrose will intercede for us in this time and in the generations to come! Bless You!!!

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