Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Saints Isaac Jogues, John De Brebeuf, and Companions

Today we remember the North American martyrs, those eight members of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) who were killed in North America between the years 1642 and 1649. They were tortured by members of the Huron and Iroquois tribes and they had worked hard to bring the true faith to the natives in that region (Magnificat, 273). These are the words that caught my attention as I thought about the memorial we celebrate this day, "For the North American martyrs whom we honor today, the pain of exile, torture, and even death was transformed into joy by their love for Christ and for the peoples to whom they were sent to proclaim his good news" (271). We concluded our parish mission last night and that was the premise of Fr. Jim Sichko's talk, we need to be positive, we need to have an "attitude of gratitude," we carry our crosses at all times, and in the midst of everything that happens in our lives, God is always present. The North American martyrs experienced that joy and sorrow, happiness and pain, and they did all things for the glory of God. They gave up everything for the sake of Christ and the Church. They worked hard to evangelize, to preach the Good News, and to bring the true faith to those they served. Those martyrs did not give up and they were able to rejoice because they knew their reward is in heaven. That is the joy that carries us as we live our lives and our faith. Yes, we all have a share in the cross, we will experience all ranges of emotions, but do not be afraid because the promise of Jesus Christ is eternal! Blessings to you!!!

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