Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Bold Prayer...

The gospel reading for our Mass is from Luke 11:1-4. The setting is Jesus taking the time to pray and the disciples observing his example. Those disciples wanted to learn how to pray and so Jesus taught them. He gave them the "Lord's Prayer," but this version is different from what we know. Here is what one of the commentaries state, "Luke's version of the Lord's Prayer is considered by scholars to be closer to what Jesus actually said than the one found in Matthew's gospel. For centuries this prayer has been praised and glorified as the perfect prayer" (Liturgical Press, 1357). That last statement is true because the "Lord's Prayer" says it all. Everything that needs to be said is said, but there are other beautiful prayers that we can offer as well. Another statement that I find unique is this one, "The Lord's Prayer is unique because of its radical boldness. It encourages the one praying to be bold and make demands on God and insist that these demands be fulfilled right now. It takes a special relationship with God to feel free to make such bold demands" (1357). We need to be bold when we pray! Jesus gave us an example of prayer and we need to use that gift each day. Let us take these words to heart and trust in the presence of God and always know that our prayers are answered because God truly knows what is best! Blessings to you!!!

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