Saturday, October 29, 2011

Priesthood Sunday

A blessed Priesthood Sunday to all the priests as they live their faith and service to God's people to the fullest! Of course, I include myself in this greeting as I strive each day to live this beautiful faith and vocation that God has called me to. As we mark this observance, there is a story that comes to mind. People will ask me is there anything that I can do for you Father? I can probably come up with several answers as I look over the daily duties and commitments, but there is one gift that really stands out and that is where this story comes from. When I was an associate pastor, I had the privilege to serve with two other priests, one active and one retired. The retired priest would help us out on the weekend and he loved hearing confessions. Two priests would be hearing confessions at the same time. Whenever I was in the confessional I would hear my share of confessions and then the line would stop. I would look out the door and the retired priest would still have a line and I thought, what is he doing that I am not? One Saturday afternoon, I needed to attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation so I went to this priest. He listened to me, gave me some encouraging words, and then he gave me my penance which was simply, "Pray for me!" That was it, there were no long prayers to say or do something for my neighbor, because I should already be doing that, but just that simple invitation to pray for that priest. Since then, I have given that penance to people whom I have come to know well and they say, "Are you serious?" Yes, I am serious, Pray for me!!! That is the gift that we can give to our priests, not just on Priesthood Sunday, but everyday! I am grateful for the people of God who pray for me and support me in all I do. In a special way this weekend, thank your priest for their service to the priesthood of Jesus Christ and for following God's call in their life. We are here to serve God and His people and what helps us along the way is your prayers!!! Thank You! Blessings to you all!!!

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