Monday, April 30, 2012

The Good Shepherd

This is a topic that we can talk about at any time because we are called to listen to the voice and follow in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd. We heard that beautiful passage over the weekend, John 10:11-18. Jesus says to us, "I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." In my homily over the weekend, I focused on the Good Shepherd and also tied in my role as the shepherd of God's people. The Priest magazine had a beautiful commentary for this weekends readings. The opening line of that commentary spoke volumes, especially to me as a priest: "If Jesus is the model shepherd, then the priest must be a model sheep" (The Priest, 30). Later on, the commentator writes this: "We know that priests, by virtue of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, act in the person of Christ when leading us in worship and sacrament. A priest always remembers - or should remember - that to act in the person of Christ does not make him Christ. Sheep are led, but they will follow only a voice they trust. What do we want from our priests? What we want is for our priests to shepherd us, to lead us to Christ, just as a shepherd leads his flock to green pastures. (The word 'pastor' means 'shepherd)" (The Priest, 30). In turn, I asked the people for two things. First, I asked for their forgiveness. I know that I am a sinner. I have failings, shortcomings, weaknesses. Maybe I have offended someone by something that I said, was not nice on the phone, or hurt people by decisions that were made. We never know unless people tell us but I want to be open with them and seek their forgiveness. Secondly, I asked the people for their prayers. I pray for them daily and I hope that they do the same for me. I need the grace and strength of God to be a pastor, a shepherd to those entrusted to my care. We have a beautiful example in Jesus Christ who is the Good Shepherd. As a priest, if I am going to be a shepherd to the people, I need to show them the example of what it means to follow the One who calls us by name. Like that commentator wrote, we as priests need to be model sheep in following the Good Shepherd so others can learn to follow him as well. As we begin this new week, the Diocese of Salina rejoices in the ordination/installation on May 1st of our new shepherd, Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger. Please keep him in your prayers as he begins his new ministry in our diocese. Let us continue to pray for our priests that they may be good shepherds and model sheep. Let us pray for one another as we journey through life and faith together! God Bless You!!!

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