Monday, September 19, 2011

Shine Your Light

The gospel is very appropriate for us as we live our lives, our faith, our call to discipleship. Our passage is from Luke 8:16-18 and it is short and to the point. Jesus says very simply, "No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light." This reminds me of the song that we are all familiar with, "This little light of might I'm going to let it shine..." We need to let our light shine for all to see. That light was entrusted to our parents and godparents when we were baptized. Recall what the priest said, "Receive the light of Christ. Parents and godparents, this light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly" (Rite of Baptism, 71). As we journey through life, that light may go dim or it even goes out completely, but we need to return to the source that keeps our light burning brightly, Jesus Christ. The burning candle symbolizes that Jesus is forever the light of the world. He is the light that takes away all darkness. His light can reignite the light of our lives and hearts. Take the time for prayer each day, approach the sacraments, and do not be afraid to ask the Lord for the grace and strength that you need to keep your light burning brightly. That light has been given to us, so don't hide it, but keep it out for all to see! Have a blessed day!!!

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