Wednesday, March 16, 2011


There are some good words and phrases that define the Season of Lent. However, they are not confined to the Lenten Season, but everyday of our lives. Repent is one such word that we hear during this penitential time but it is a way of life that we are called to daily. Our readings today, Jonah 3:1-10 and Luke 11:29-32, are closely tied together because Jesus talks about Jonah in the gospel passage. The key to these readings is repentance. The people of Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah. They turned from their evil ways and God repented of what He was going to do to the people since they had turned away from Him. Jesus talks about Jonah, but he tells the people that are listening to him that one who is greater than Jonah is in their midst. Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior of the World, who redeemed mankind by his death and resurrection. We live each day mindful of God's great love and mercy. Of course, each one of us has to do our part. We need to avoid all temptation and sin. When we sin, we need to repent of what we have done, do our penance, make amends, and make that conscious effort to do better. The goods of Lent are a way of life each day. Let us pray for the grace of repentance, to repent of the sins we have committed, and turn back to God, who as the psalmist says, will not spurn a humbled and contrite heart. Have a blessed day!!!

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