Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gaudete Sunday

Let us rejoice and be glad!!!! We have arrived at the Third Week of our Advent journey!!!! We are getting closer to the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord!!!! The words that you heard from the readings today are "Joy" and "Rejoice"!!! The rose candle is now lit and we can rejoice in God' s great love and what He has done for us. We are mindful that people need joy in their lives, especially when tragedies arise, like the sad events of Friday in Connecticut. We remember the victims and their families in our prayers!!! At times like these, people come together to bond and support each other! We know that we need to be there for people in all circumstances and that God is always with us!!!! Let us radiate the light of Christ in all that we do and may all people's be filled with joy and rejoice!!!!!

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